Perma-Zyme Disposal

Clean up spills immediately, dispose of unused Perma-Zyme properly, and recycle empty containers.

Clean Up 

Avoid spills. If spills occur, clean them up immediately. Prevent spreading by using sand, earth, clay, or containment material to absorb spilled liquid. Do not step in spilled Perma-Zyme, as the product is slippery.

Material Disposal 

Recover or recycle unused Perma-Zyme if possible. Do NOT dispose into drains, bodies of water, or the environment in concentrated form. Solidify unused product and dispose of it in an approved landfill. Check with local, regional, and national regulations for appropriate disposal methods.

Container Disposal 

You may rinse and recycle containers.

For more disposal information, download the Perma-Zyme Safety Data Sheet